
Finding a store to purchase jewelry from is simple, but finding one that is willing to do repairs on your most treasured pieces can often be very difficult. Many jewelers are either not willing to work on your pieces, are going to charge exorbitant amounts in order to make it worth their while, or worst of all, are not capable of properly doing the repair potentially leading to irreparable damage to your favorite jewelry.

My years of industry experience have allowed me to build a strong network of jewelers whose wide ranging areas of expertise allow me the ability to assess your specific repair needs and direct it to the proper artisan. This network allows me the versatility to not only be able to assist you with a wide ranging variety of repairs, but also the ability to confidently inform you of the method in which the repair will be completed, and be able to ensure you that the job will be done properly with meticulous attention to detail and for a fair price.

Whether it is something as simple as restringing a pearl necklace or resizing a ring, or something more involved such as replacing a missing/damaged stone or repairing damaged metal, contact me and we can discuss in detail your specific needs and determine the best course of action for getting your jewelry back to looking like new.

Below is an example of what can happen when you take one of your treasured pieces to a jeweler who may not have the necessary skills to properly complete the job, but they take on the project regardless and end up doing more harm than good. These types of things end up costing you not only extra money, but can potentially cost you the piece through irreversible damage.

Vintage Diamond Ring Repair.jpg

On the left you can see the vintage diamond ring in its original form. The customer then took the ring to a local jeweler to discuss the possibility of altering the ring so that the stones would sit east/west instead of north south, and to slightly thicken the band. What the jeweler did was simply take a stock half round wire that was to wide and bulky for the delicate vintage diamond setting, and they soldered that on to the diamond setting. The customer was not pleased with the outcome and in trying to remedy the situation believed maybe making it angular would assist in the overall look, but after that change was made she was still not pleased with the outcome and simply wasn’t in love with her ring. Faith had been lost in the original jeweler and she decided to move on.

At this point the ring was brought to me, and after discussing a wide range of possibilities and looking at sample rings we decided on a plan of action. I then took the ring to one of the skilled artisans in my network and we discussed the different options available. Replacing the whole band was going to be extremely costly, but since the band was already so bulky he suggested we simply file the band down to match the sample design that the customer loved and it would cost half the price. In the end this is what we decided on and the customer was extremely pleased. The delicate rounded band allows the vintage diamond setting to be the focal point of the ring once again.

Having a vast network of skilled artisans paid off in this scenario as we were able to assess the problem with the customers piece, take it to the correct specialist and repair the ring to customers desire. If you have any pieces that are in need of repair don’t hesitate to reach out to me and we can discuss your range of options for getting your jewelry taken care of.